Writings + Resources

I invite your to view the writings and resources below for deeper insight on my approach to psychotherapy.

Psychodynamic Psychothearpy:

What is Psychodynamic Psychotherapy?

Information from the American Psychoanalytic Association

Getting to Know Me, Jonathan Shedler, Scientific American, 2010

Is it effective? 
A selection of papers attesting to the effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy, for issues including depression, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and panic disorder:

The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Jonathan Shedler, 2010

Evidence for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in Specific Mental Disorders; a Systematic Review, Falk Liechsenring and Susanne Klein, 2014

Effectiveness of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies from the Contemporary Freudian Society

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy:

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?
An introduction from Russ Harris

Embrace Your Demons: an Overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Russ Harris, 2006